Performans B O R D E R

You are cordially invited to another presentation of B O R D E R, this time in Poznań/Poland.
Festival „Ukrainian Art Week in Poznan 2023. Тиждень українського мистецтва в м.Познань 2023”
26.08.2023 at 17:00

Adress: Republika Sztuki Tłusta Langusta
ul.Gwarna 11, Poznań/Poland

Idea: Monika Wachowicz
Cooperation: Jarosław Fret

Realisation: Olena Matoshniuk, Antonina Romanova and Monika Wachowicz

Texts: Antonina Romanova, Olena Matoshniuk and Monika Wachowicz

The project uses excerpts from Antonina’s activities from the „Text” project.

Space arrangement: Jarosław Fret and Monika Wachowicz

Film editing: Maciej Mądry

Duration: About 40 minutes

Production: The Grotowski Institute and Body and Emotions Studio by Monika Wachowicz

Premiere: 2nd of April, 2023. Laboratory Theatre at the Grotowski Institute, Wrocław

Abut Festiva

About B O R D E R